About us

SGLCC - the Scandinavian LGBT Chamber of Commerce

A platform for meetings and business development for LGBT owned businesses, the general world of business, and multinational companies.

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About us

Given the history of LGBT rights and development in Sweden and Scandinavia, there has for quite some time been a need for a meeting platform between the corporate sector, the community and their businesses.

Although the civil rights for LGBT-people in the region are well protected legally, there is a major gap in communication between these two parts of society.

The SGLCC aims to narrow this gap. We will provide a forum for communication and understanding between corporation and the LGBT-community, in real life meetings as well as on-line.

We will provide certification for LGBT-businesses, education and in-house training, as well as advice for corporate members and be a source for procurement and staff and to share best practice.

  1.  To empower small business-owners and increase their possibilities to become international suppliers

  2.  Increase awareness of LGBT-issues in the private sector

  3.  Prove the actual business value of LGBT-inclusion

  4.  Create a platform to connect LGBT-businesses with large national and international corporations

  5. As an affiliate to NGLCC, provide certification for LGBT-businesses.

SGLCC is proud to be connected to NGLCC Global as an affiliate, as well as to the other GLCCs in the network, as well as AmCham Sweden and we fully support the idea of Global LGBT equality through economic development.

Want to know more about us or become a member? Email us and we will contact you!

Organisational partners

SGLCC is proud to have a large number of organisational partners:


SGLCC is an affiliate Chamber of NGLCC Global, connected to NGLCC in the USA, as well as to the other Chambers in 13 different countries within the NGLCC Global Umbrella.

NGLCC also provides a platform for networking with a large number of US based corporations as well as to regional chambers across America.

SGLCC also have a special treaty with CGLCC, Canadian LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce.


In Europe, SGLCC has a very close cooperation with several European LGBT Chambers, GGLBC – German LGBTIQ* Business Chamber, East Meets West in Austria and IGLBC – Italian GLBT Business Chamber.

Together we have formed EGLCC – The European LGBT Chamber of Commerce, connecting LGBT businesses in 16 countries. 

EGLCC will also during the spring launch a common European platform for certifying LGBT owned businesses.


We cooperate with American Chamber of Commerce, Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Chambre de Commerce France, Dutch Chamber of Commerce, British Chamber of Commerce and Subsaharan Chamber of commerce and Canadian Chamber of Commerce with several joint events.

In addition we are very happy to work closely with the US and Swedish Embassies on both sides of the Atlantic.

Contact us

9 + 12 =


Scandinavian LBGT Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 6296

Corporate Identity Number (Swedish)


Board of Directors

Tobias Holfelt, MB Market Makers

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