The gateway for LGBT owned businesses
SGLCC is the gateway for LGBT owned businesses to increase sales and strengthen your company. As we partner with Chambers locally and across the world you can take your business further finding opportunities with other LGBT entrepreneurs. SGLCC also certifies LGBT businesses for procurement.
Large corporations will have the opportunity to get a deeper insight in the specifics of LGBT-issues and how your company can develop and thrive with inclusion, how it drives sales, productivity and innovation in a competitive marketplace, and to widen your supply-chains.
Upcoming events
You can find information about our upcoming events either on our page on LinkedIn or on our page on Facebook.
Past events
2023-07-25, 10-årsjubileum för Wikegårds Regnbågsflaggning
För 10 år sedan hissade Wikegårds Semesterby regnbågsflaggan, som första Ölänning och camping för alla människors lika värde , mångfald, respekt och tolerans. Reaktionerna blev många och oväntade. Det tycktes och pratades och övergick ibland i handlingar som kanske inte kunnat förutses. Men Wikegårds stod på sig i sin övertygelse att kärlek är för alla.
Sedan dess har Regnbågsflaggan vajat på Wikegårds varje dag i 10 år. Detta vill vi naturligtvis uppmärksamma och fira tillsammans med er! Välkommen att anmäla dig här. Eventet är gratis.
2023-04-27 Special discussion on LGBT leadership, Stockholm
In Association with the US Embassy Sweden, SGLCC is proud to present a special discussion on LGBT leadership. Bree Fram, the highest ranking openly serving transgender member of the U.S. military and Johanna Gustafsson Managing Director at SAAB Transpondertech shares their experiences and challenges from the defence and military sectors. (By invitation only)
2023-04-05 Business AW i inkluderingens tecken (Göteborg)
Tent Partnership for Refugees tillsammans med Randstad och the Scandinavian LGBT Chamber of Commerce (SGLCC) välkomnar till business after work i inkluderingens tecken. Tillsammans sätter vi fingret på den individ-, samhälls- och affärsnytta vi får om vi aktivt arbetar med hela kandidatmarknaden.
2023-03-02 LGBTI+ Business Conference, Malmö
Now it's time again for our LGBT Business conference in Malmö. It will be half a day with many different perspectives, including lunch, in the opulent setting of Malmö Town Hall. This time it also includes a special feature of a "Legacy Leadership" workshop. All information and registration link is available at
2023-02-01 LGBT in business. What's your strategy? Lunch meeting in Malmö
The LGBT market value in Scandinavia exceeds SEK 300 Billion annually and $1 Trillion in the United States. But how does this market work? And how can your business access it? Above and beyond the income that can be generated, LGBT inclusion is also an important and valuable part of the business strategy. This is apparent not only from sales, but also from the perspectives of talent acquisition, talent retention, productivity and increasingly supply chain development. As a result, this is important for all sizes of companies across all industries. More information can be found here.
2022-12-15 AW - hbtqi & inkludering som affärsnytta, Linköping
Saab Surveillance, Randstad och the Scandinavian LGBT Chamber of Commerce välkomnar till after work med inspirationstalare från flera välkända organisationer. Tillsammans sätter vi fingret på den affärs- och samhällsnytta vi får då vi aktivt arbetar med HBTQI-, mångfalds- och inkluderingsfrågor. Inbjudan kommer inom kort. Här hittar du mer information om talare och länk till anmälan.
2022-11-03 Embassy of Israel in Stockholm
2022-07-15--16 OutBritain LGBT Conference, UK
OutBritain will have their first physical LGBT conference, and SGLCC will present our work and cooperation across the borders. All SGLCC members are very welcome to attend.
2022-09-22 LGBT Networking Event, Copenhagen
2022-09-29 LGBTIQ+ In Tech, Stockholm
2022-08-02--05 NGLCC International Business and Leadership Conference, US
As a long-time partner of the NGLCC global Network SGLCC will participate in the fantastic International conference. It is also open for all SGLCC LGBT member businesses.
This globally recognized conference is the largest LGBT business event on the planet. The NGLCC Conference delivers innovative leadership programming as well as networking and engagement opportunities for more than 2,000 LGBT and allied business leaders. Cutting-edge educational programs include inspiring keynote speakers, the annual B2B Boot Camp for certified LGBT Business Enterprises (LGBTBEs), a local chamber development track, Marketplace Expo, one-on-one Matchmaker meetings between suppliers and Fortune 500 companies, and much more.
2022-06-08 LGBT inclusion in a transatlantic context, Stockholm
On June 8, SGLCC together with the US Embassy in Stockholm will arrange a panel and reception on LGBT inclusion in a transatlantic context. We will also have a discussion on LGBT businesses and how to empower and leverage the LGBT business community.
2022-05-17 OutBritain Certification Launch, London
On May 17 our partner Chamber OutBritain will host a half day conference highlighting the launch of their new official certification program for LGBT owned businesses.
2022-05-11 HBTQ som affärsmodell, Stockholm
Tillsammans med vår partner Randstad genomför vi motsvarande seminarie vi arrangerade i Malmö den 16 mars. Denna gång på Randstads kontor i Solna. Mer information finns här.
2022-04-27 Nätverksmöte Stockholm
Nätverksmöte i Stockholm.
2022-04-25--26 EGLCC Annual Meeting, Stockholm
The annual meeting for EGLCC will be held in Stockholm. More info to come.
2022-03-31 EGLCC Annual Conference (digital)
Time for the EGLCC annual digital conference.
2022-03-30 Nätverksmöte Stockholm
Nätverksmöte på Scandic Haymarket mellan 1700-1830.
Lyckat event i Malmö
Tack alla som kom till vårt event i Malmö 16 mars. Det var en fullsatt lokal och vi lovar att återkomma med ett nytt event i Malmö under året!
Siemens Healthineers new Silver Partners
We are very happy to announce Siemens Healthineers as new partners to SGLCC. Siemens is a leader in healthcare technology and we look forward to cooperating in the progress of LGBT inclusion together.
Inbjudan: AW med mångfald, inkludering och HBTQI, Malmö 16 mars
Varmt välkommen till en inspirerande AW med tema mångfald, inkludering och HBTQI i Malmö den 16 mars 2022
Save the date for EGLCC conference March 31
As a one of three founding partners of EGLCC we are delighted to invite you to the first-ever online annual conference March 31: The LGBTIQ Voices in Business: Together for a Successful Future. The formal invitation will follow.
Inbjudan: Nätverksmöte Stockholm 2 mars
Välkommen på nytt nätverksmöte i Stockholm. Träffa andra HBTQ-företagare över en After Work på Scandic Haymarket 2 mars mellan 16:30-18:00 (ny tid). Välkommen!
Inbjudan: Nätverksmöte Stockholm 2 februari
Välkommen till nytt nätverksmöte! Den 2 februari träffas vi på Scandic Haymarket i Stockholm. Covid är runt oss, men vi vill ändå träffa er, några i taget. Därför håller vi fler nätverksmöten, med lite färre deltagare.
Become a member
Grow your network, create opportunities and increase business. Become a member of SGLCC – The Scandinavian LGBT Chamber of Commerce
Become a partner
Get a year-around exposure to the LGBT Community, increased knowledge and new business opportunities. Become a partner of SGLCC
Be certified
Grow your business and be certified as a LBGT owned business or LGBT certify your operations by SCLCC – The LGBT Chamber of Commerce
The LGBT Landscape Globally
- The LGBT purchase power in Scandinavia is calculated to be in excess of Eur 20 Bn annually.
- The LGBT purchase power in Germany in excess of Eur 300 Bn, in the US , USD 1Tn on par with China.
- The LGBT Business community adds USD 1.7 Tn annually to the US economy.

A global network
SGLCC is one of the founding partners of EGLCC, European LGBT Chamber of Commerce.
Connecting chambers across Europe, building a pan-european network, as well as a common european cerrtification process for LGBT suppliers.
SGLCC is a also Proud member of NGLCC Global, based in Washington DC and the NGLCC affiliate in Scandinavia.
All our members are welcome to participate in NGLCCs annual Global Concventions and LGBT Global Biz week, connecting regional and global chambers, LGBT Businesses and hundreds of multinational corporations.