Invitation: Economic factors as a catalyst for change

Invitation: Economic factors as a catalyst for change

Economic factors as a catalyst for change

Embassy of Sweden in Manila together with MB Market Markers are glad to invite all SGLCC members and partners to a LGBT Business Round Table.

Date: October 15
Time: 09:00-10:00 CET

In the US alone, the “pink dollar” purchase-power is estimated to more than USD 1 trillion annually. In Britain it is more than 80 billion Pounds. The German LGBT+ travel segment is calculated to 30 billion Euro. The Nordic countries alone constitute a potential 2.5 million consumers and more than 30 billion Euro in net-value.

LGBT+ inclusion is vital for corporations in order to access this market potential. Crucial for success is a strategic D&I program, which can lead corporations to attract better talents and improve the environment for innovation. Yet, many corporations still have some way to go to integrate these issues in their business model to the full potential.

Our roundtable aims to provide a constructive dialogue and sharing of best practice examples. We will also show potential financial aspects from various perspectives. The panelists will also share their views on the current pandemic and the resulting economic fallout, and the implications this might have for D&I programs.

Every corporation, as well as the country as a whole, can benefit from the potential of LGBT inclusion. This roundtable will provide an overview and a platform for dialogue on new ideas how to make that possible.


  • Communicate the financial and business benefits of LGBT+ inclusion and D&I programs and policies in a corporate setting
  • Provide global and local examples and success stories of said benefits
  • Engage corporate leaders and team members in a discussion to show the business benefits of LGBT+ inclusion, even amidst the COVID19 Pandemic
  • Discuss the need of inclusive management and provide global and local best practices on inclusion that attendees can adopt

Organizer Roles

  • Host and Moderator – Tobias Holfelt, MB MarketMakers, SGLCC


  1. Drew Fernandez – Global Chief People Officer, Bottling Investments Group at The CocaCola Company
  2. Gilda del Rosario – Chief Administrative Officer, Wells Fargo EGS Philippines and PFIP Senior Advisory Council member
  3. Marixi Carlos – Managing Director, Accenture Intelligent Operations in the Philippines and Inclusion and Diversity Executive Sponsor of Accenture Inc
  4. Tony Tenicela – Global Leader, Marketplace Diversity and Workforce Engagement Services – ‎IBM Corporation
  5. Mark Lyndsell, CEO Transcom Global English Region

Technical Details:

More information

More information about the event can also be found at our Facebook page.

Inbjudan: Är du HBTQ-företagare?

Inbjudan: Är du HBTQ-företagare?

Informationsmöte om SGLCC

Är du HBTQ-företagare? Varmt välkommen till informationsmöte och mingel med SGLCC – handelskammaren för HBTQ-företagare i Skandinavien.

Vi bjuder in till informationsmöte om hur du kan dra nytta av att nätverka med andra företagare och företag inom HBTQ-communityn nationellt och internationellt.

Tillsammans kan vi stärka varandra och skapa nya möjligheter till affärer.

Datum: 2020-09-22
Tid: 1700-1800
Plats: The Secret Garden, Kornhamnstorg 59, 111 27 Stockholm



13 + 1 =

Connecting the dots

Connecting the dots

The 2020 East meets West virtual conference

Together with our friends and partners in Europe, and across the world, we invite our members to participate in East Meets West conference in Vienna virtually.

It will be open for all members in our EGLCC network. Welcome on June 12, wherever you are!

Speakers will cover a variety of topics, from Multinational Corporations, to Global organisation, and perhaps most importantly from the LGBT Business Community.

For more information about the conference and how to register please use this link.

About the East meets West Conferences

The East meets West Conferences are the annual meetings of the East meets West network and interested outsiders, to discuss LGBTI topics, present ideas, realisations, future plans and to create an environment for efficient networking.

Their conferences offers a rich and dynamic program and networking opportunities with people from European countries and overseas delegations.

The programs feature indisputable LGBTI people, who have taken their rightful place in the mainstream society and this way have become iconic representatives of the new phase of social diversity. We are continuously increasing the focus on LGBTI Businesses and their proud owners.

More information about East meets West can be found on their webpage.

Invitation: The SGLCC Conference

Invitation: The SGLCC Conference

Welcome to the annual SGLCC 2020 Conference

Very welcome to our SGLCC 2020 conference. We offer a full half day program, hosted at the British Ambassadors Residence in Stockholm.

The speakers will cover a variety of issues on the potentail of LGBT-inclusion for the private sector.

In addition we will present the SGLCC 2020 Workplace Inclusion Award. More information will come so save the date!

Date: May 13
Time: To be decided
Location: British Ambassadors residence in Stockholm

The meeting will be held in English.

For more information and registration – please send us an email.

Invitation: Networking meeting April 27

Invitation: Networking meeting April 27

Networking in Stockholm

Did you know that you as a LGBT-business owner, have the potential of being procured within the Supplier Diversity Concept in Scandinavia? We will explain how that works and what potential your company can have and increase you possibilities to expand your business and get larger contracts.

We will also explain how SGLCC creates a regional and global network of LGBT-businesses in order to empower the entrepreneurs of our community and increase their ability to expand their businesses.

Date: April 27
Time: 16:30-18:00
Location: The Park, Sveavägen 98, Stockholm

The meeting will be held in Swedish.

Please register by sending us an email.

Invitation: The economic potential of LGBT Inclusion

Invitation: The economic potential of LGBT Inclusion

The business value of LGBT-inclusion

Very welcome to our breakfast-event in Helsinki on May 7 in cooperation with AmCham Finland.

We will present the latest research and value of the LGBT-market and the potential for your corporation. A panel of distinguished speakers will share their experiences and best practice.

We will present more information in the beginning of April.

Date: May 7
Time: 08:00-11:00
Place: Helsinki
The meeting will be held in English.
For registration and more information, please send us an email.